Saturday, December 29, 2012

Kate le Vann. „Things I Know About Love.“

„Have you never kept a diary?” I asked him.


I shrugged. “Maybe you should try it.”

“Why, though?” Adam asked.


„Well, you get to know yourself better. You write about events when they happen to you, but then later you can read what you said about them, and enough time has passed for you to not remember exactly how you were feeling at the time, and you can see where you’ve gone wrong, or right. It’s always surprising—your attitude always changes. Maybe it was a huge deal at the time and now you have no idea why it upset you. Sometimes you forget little details, really lovely things, and when you’re reminded, it’s…”

Auszug aus: Kate le Vann. „Things I Know About Love.“

Это мне Катя новую книжку подкинула :) Эххххх, нравится !!!! читаю и рассуждаю :)

P.S. дочитала.... хорошенько промыла слёзные каналы ...

1 comment:

  1. Ох, уж эти спойлеры... А как я рыдала две недели назад над A walk to remember....
